nms Performance System
The nms Performance System stands for Neuromuscular Screening. It unveils a unique treatment avenue that intricately melds Western and Eastern treatment techniques. This innovative approach also known as “ K.O.R.E. Therapy “ is birthed from the mind of Dr. John Brazier, whose dedication over a span of 25 years has evolved nms Performance System into a noteworthy system, aiding significantly in regeneration, recovery and bodymind balance restoration.
At the heart of this treatment lies a groundbreaking neuromuscular assessment and correction. Through the lens of functional muscle tests, it dives deep to pinpoint the root cause of ailments, be it pain, illness, or injury, thereby not merely skimming over symptoms but addressing the underlying issues.
nms Performance System transcends the boundaries of a typical massage, opening doors to a holistic well being. It intertwines the finesse of both Western and Eastern assessment and treatment methodologies, fostering the body’s innate healing prowess.
This blend of techniques not only nurtures the body’s self-recovery ability but also stands as a beacon of integrative medicine, steering the world towards a realm of recovery enriched with a blend of traditional and modern treatment techniques.
Embarking on the nms Performance System voyage, one steps into a realm where vitality is not a distant shore but a tangible reality. The treatment’s crux addressing the core issues rather than superficial symptoms ensures a thorough treatment, promising a beacon of hope for those entangled in the web of chronic ailments.
The meticulous marriage of Western and Eastern healing philosophies under the nms Performance System umbrella offers a unique vantage point, presenting not merely a treatment, but a journey toward optimal vitality and balance.

What is nms Performance System?
Unlike conventional approaches that often address symptoms in isolation, nms Performance System seeks to understand and remedy the underlying issues contributing to pain, illness, or injury.
Uncovering the Core through Functional Neuromuscular Tests
By understanding the body’s current state of balance or imbalance, nms performance System can tailor a treatment plan that addresses the individual’s unique needs, paving the way toward recovery and enhanced well-being.
A Fusion of Western and Eastern Techniques
nms Performance System is not confined to the borders of a singular therapeutic philosophy. This blend enriches the treatment process, ensuring a well-rounded approach to promoting the body’s natural ability to heal. It transcends the realms of a typical massage, offering a holistic pathway to recovery and body balance.
nms Performance System`s holistic approach aims to identify and treat the root causes of these conditions, promoting overall body balance and wellness.
Who can benefit from nms Performance System?
nms Performance System, with its roots anchored in holistic vitality, casts a wide net in terms of benefiting a diverse populace. Here’s a glimpse into the various segments it caters to:
- General Public: With its focus on addressing the root cause of ailments, it’s a go-to treatments for individuals grappling with chronic issues or those on the lookout for holistic wellness solutions.
- Athletes and Sports Professionals: The treatment is revered for its recovery and performance-enhancing benefits, making it a prized asset in the athletic community. From averting injuries to fostering optimal physical performance, nms Performance System serves as a cornerstone for athletic excellence.
- Organizations: Its efficacy has been recognized by various sports and military organizations, showcasing its potential to promote physical wellness and readiness in demanding environments.
The myriad benefits of nms Performance System extend across a broad spectrum, offering a refuge for those seeking a path to better health, recovery, and performance enhancement.
Through the lens of nms Performance System, each session is not merely a treatment but a step toward reclaiming control over one’s health and performance. The therapy’s holistic approach, coupled with its variety of therapeutic techniques, provides a robust framework for addressing a myriad of health concerns and promoting overall well-being.
What to expect from a nms Performance System’s session?
Engaging in a nms Performance System’s session is akin to embarking on a journey towards holistic wellness. Here’s a glimpse into what one can expect from such a session:
Initial Assessment:
The nms Performance System’s unique neuromuscular tests are employed at the onset to identify imbalances, injuries, or poor functionality harbored within your body. This initial assessment lays the foundation for a tailored treatment plan, ensuring that the therapy addresses your specific concerns effectively.
Treatments Interventions:
Post the initial muscle tests, a variety of treatments are employed based on the diagnosis derived. The spectrum of treatments spans:
- Mobilization
- Spinal release
- Pelvic and cranial balancing
- Strong energy releases
- Fascia release techniques
- Acupressure
Additional Techniques:
- DeTox- Soft till Deep Organ Massage
- Destress- Cranial release
- Stretch and Mobility
- Soft Cupping
Evaluation and Advice:
- The session culminates with a repetition of the neuromuscular tests to ascertain the success of the interventions. This evaluation provides tangible proof of the nms Performance System’s immediate impact, showcasing the commencement of the healing process.
- Individuals often experience noticeable improvements after a single session. Furthermore, personalized advice is imparted at the end of each session, empowering you to take control of your issues and make conducive changes to accelerate the healing journey and reduce recovery time
Typically, n.m.s. Performance System’s session, encompassing consultation, medical history review, and treatment is 60min, making it a time-efficient approach to addressing your health concerns.
Performance Enhancement:
For individuals, especially athletes or sports professionals, not only addresses health issues but also augments performance by enhancing balance, power, and focus. This aspect of nms Performance System has notably benefited Ballet Dancers, MMA Fighters, golfers, amongst others, by enhancing the essential structural integrity required for optimal performance.
Through the lens of nms Performance System, each session is not merely a treatment but a step toward reclaiming control over one’s health and performance. The therapy’s holistic approach, coupled with its variety of therapeutic techniques, provides a robust framework for addressing a myriad of health concerns and promoting overall well-being.
- Holistic Healing: nms Performance System emphasis on identifying and treating the root causes of ailments presents a holistic solution to individuals grappling with various health issues.
- Versatile Beneficiaries: From the general public, athletes, and sports professionals to individuals across all age groups, the therapy’s benefits extend far and wide.
- Performance Enhancement: Besides addressing health concerns, nms Performance System is a potent tool for enhancing physical performance, making it a prized asset among athletes and sports professionals.
- A Blend of Techniques: The therapy employs a variety of techniques, each selected based on the individual’s unique needs, ensuring a tailored approach to treatment.
- Empowerment: The therapy not only addresses the present ailments but empowers individuals with advice to take control of their health, marking the beginning of a self-guided healing journey.
- Immediate and Tangible Benefits: The evaluation at the end of each session provides immediate feedback on the effectiveness of the therapy, often showcasing noticeable improvements after a single session.
Embark on a journey with nms Performance System and experience a holistic approach to wellness and performance enhancement. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic ailments, looking to enhance your athletic performance, or aspiring for overall well-being, nms Performance System stands as a beacon of hope.